Known issues/Error messages
API Error: Unable to replicate assessments using the API, where assessments have been completed in the WebApp
When retrieving an assessment and then sending those results back, you may see the error: {'error_message': 'Unit matching query does not exist. Please check the input field.', 'information': {'cft_version': '2.11.0'}} We are seeing that when the ...
Calculation error - Crops: ΔSOC magnitude in rice pathway is underestimated
ΔSOC in the rice pathway assumes C-input factor. Currently using ‘Low’ C-input instead of ‘Medium’. In order to account for this, we suggest you divide the result by 0.92. This has not been tested extensively, so use this with caution.
Calculation error - Crops: Urea and Limestone CO2 emissions are underestimated
When entering fertiliser application rate, no unit conversion takes place for urea and limestone calculations. At the moment, it assumes that rates are supplied as kg/ha, so therefore, only calculations where application rate is supplied as kg/ha are ...
Calculation error - Crops: CO2 emissions from urea are underestimated by 3-6% with use of UAN
When using urea ammonium nitrate solution as fertiliser, the Cool Farm Tool uses 35% urea rather than 50%, which means that CO2 emissions are underestimated by between 3 and 6%. This will be fixed as part of the migration to the new Cool Farm ...
Calculation error: Custom SOM causes incorrect soil carbon changes
A bug has been found when using the custom SOM function in CFT 2.0 of the tool. SOM is not multiplied by the bulk density to convert it from cm to t/ha. Also, SOM is entered in the tool as a percentage [0,100], but is not converted to a proportion ...
Calculation error - Crops: underestimated emissions from crop residues for "removed from field"
Where the option ‘removed from field for use or sale’ is selected, the whole residue is assumed to be removed - this is incorrect. There should always be below ground emissions and a % of the above ground remaining - similar to "burning in field". ...
Calculation error - Crops: wood density calculated incorrectly
The wood density is incorrectly applied at least for the species listed below. This bug has existed since the excel version of the tool and will be fixed as part of the crop model migration to the new Cool Farm Platform. Inga punctuata Inga tonduzzi ...
Calculation error - Crops: Known calculation errors of irrigation model
During the development of the new perennials pathway several calculation errors have been detected for the irrigation model. For irrigation emissions both based on volume only and on volume, depth and distance, the reported % of area irrigated is not ...
Use of Other Livestock pathway not recommended until Cool Farm 3.0
We advise to not use the current version (CFT2.0) of the Other Livestock pathway, until it has been updated as part of Cool Farm 3.0 (timeline tbc). The reasons in detail are described below, but in short, the methods employed in the Other Livestock ...
Calculation error - All: Limestone fertiliser
There is an error with the fertiliser calculation which appears to be related to limestone. When you select limestone fertiliser and vary the unit selection you see that the soil/fertiliser emission amount in the results tab data table does not vary. ...
SOC Backwards Compatibility issue-Now resolved
What's the issue - in short? We have identified a conversion/mapping issue with the carbon tab management practices with the update from the CFT1.0 SOC (Soil Organic Carbon) model format to that of CFT2.0. For a limited number of assessments, this ...
Why can't I share my assessment?
Check that your farm coordinates are valid If you are not a CFA member you will not have the ability to share assessments If you are a member of CFA data aggregation is enabled through share codes therefore if you aren't able to see the aggregation ...
Why do I get an error message when I use “compose your own” fertiliser saying “Total N entered does not match calculated total”?
The % of total N entered in the top row must be the sum of %N entered for nitrate, ammonium, and urea (e.g. if 30% N comes equally from ammonium & urea, it’s 15/0/15% ). Please correct the values.
No meteorological data is available for the date selected
When the user enters data that fertiliser has been applied within the past 3-4 months, the below error message will be generated. Please be aware that we always have a time lag in the meteorological data from ERA5 which is 3 months. The platform ...