Can I move assessments between the different farms I created?
NOTE: Creating multiple farms in an account is a member only feature. Unfortunately you cannot move assessments between farms in the Cool Farm Tool. Whenever you start creating an assessment, it will be saved in the assessment list of the farm you ...
When aggregating dairy and crop assessments from the “aggregation” tab, would I not be double-counting emissions if I used my own crop assessments as feed item?
If you aggregate all emission results from dairy and crop assessments, and you used the crop assessments as items in your livestock assessments, you would do some double counting. Which feed approach do you use? (Approach 1 defines dry matter intake ...
How do I create a Share Code and Group Code?
The creation and deletion of Share Codes and Group Codes are something that is created in the back end of the tool by our Cool Farm team. Please note, this is a feature of the Cool Farm Tool, and not the Cool Farm Platform. For us to be able to ...
How do I share information, experiences, and ask questions to other members directly?
Cool Farm Alliance is a community of members working together to develop and use a common Tool, and to share knowledge on its use in supply chains. The Alliance meets regularly, and has internal technical working groups and committees to tackle ...
Why do I need a group code and how can I get one?
The group code is only applicable in the CFT. The group code is entered under the tab “my projects” and unlocks certain member-only features such as data export unlimited assessments. If you think you should have access to member-only features, ...
What is the difference between a free account and a CFA member account?
Any user can create a free CFT and CFP account. This account is limited to only 5 assessments, and doesn't have exporting capabilities. Whilst the membership means that the account unlocks unlimited assessments and exporting, members can also use the ...
I am intending to use CFT for project/academic use, what are the membership costs?
For academic research & project-related use of the CFT, please complete the CFT Project Application Form which contains information about project pricing tiers.