When we choose crop trees does that include the above and below ground biomass, or should I add the number of crop trees and it's diameter again in the biomass section?
When we choose crop trees does that include the above and below ground biomass, or should I add the number of crop trees and it's diameter again in the biomass section?
The biomass of crop
trees in the annual existing CFT module is not automatically included, this
needs to be added in the biomass section. You should only account for crop
biomass if the biomass is permanent and additional.
The difference ist the following: Non-crop estimated is a new tier 1 model asking for an estimate of biomass (plants) other than the assessed cash crop based on density and occupied area. The section previously known as „out-of-crop biomass“ asks for ...
Please note that in the annual GHG pathway, the primary impact of selecting a crop is the quantity of residues it produces. For crops not listed in the tool, you can use the "Other Crop" option and enter an estimate of residue quantity (above ground ...
Create a new entry for the new trees planted. Indicate 0 for density last year, and under size last year indicate the diameter of the new trees at the time they were planted. For size this year enter the measured diameter this year, as well as the ...
The crop affects your carbon footprint via residues, below-ground biomass, and nitrous oxide emissions from nitrogen application. If you don’t see your crop listed, choose from the “other” crops at the bottom of the drop-down list. The main impact of ...
The current methodology behind the Cool Farm perennials pathway only supports the crops you see in the dropdown list. Unfortunately we cannot recommend to use any of the options as proxy/alternative, as each perennial crop exhibits a unique growth ...