TOP TIPS that help you navigate the new Cool Farm Platform

TOP TIPS that help you navigate the new Cool Farm Platform

In the below video we give you a preview of the new Cool Farm Platform and explain the structure as well as the main functionalities and features you should look out for when making a perennials assessment.


1. Knowledge Base & Support Form
This Knowledge Base is a continuously growing collection of answers to key questions and issues raised by CFP users. Make sure you check this regularly to find immediate support for common questions. Remember that in the Technical Documentation you can find all the details around the methodology of the perennials pathway which may give you the answer you are looking for. Also the Tool Tips (see below) contain lots of useful guidance. If you still have difficulties, you can use the "Support Form" to send your queries directly to us.

2. Assessment Progress & Error Messages
To move through the assessment, click on the tabs on the right. Icons will tell you if a tab is filled or missing information. An error message in the section will tell you what is missing. An additional error message will pop up once you submit your assessment in case you need to enter further data.

3. Tool Tips for Giudance
Click on the little "i" next to each section title or field to find helpful guidance on how to complete an assessment.

4. Live Summary
The live summary of emissions/removals per individual assessment model is now hidden on the top but can be expanded by clicking on the arrow on the right.
5. View & Export Results
Click on "submit assessment" to get to the final results. Here you can see emissions for the assessment year, predictions for the whole crop lifecycle and a special breakdown of residue emissions.