The IPCC Climate Zone Map doesn't have any geocoordinates. Is there a more precise way of selecting my climate zone?
The IPCC map is indeed very pixelated and without geolocations. There isn't another map that draws the lines between zones clearer or lets you choose the geolocation. If you are uncertain as your location is on the border of two zones, always pick the climate zone with the highest emissions under the conservative principal of GHG protocol. Reality is emissions are possibly in between the two zones, and also depending on the weather of the year closer to one or the other. As we are an empirical model, this is why the differences in climate zones can be so different.
There are a few support resources from IPCC that you can use if you are doubting about what to select:
- The decision tree of Figure 3A.5.2 in IPCC 2019 Chapter 3, Vol.4:
- the IPCC documentation raster file (Q4-30) to set up a query process.
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