Soil characteristics: I don’t see any data requirements on soil organic carbon, soil pH, and soil drainage. Can you confirm this is no longer needed?

Soil characteristics: I don’t see any data requirements on soil organic carbon, soil pH, and soil drainage. Can you confirm this is no longer needed?

Correct, the soil organic carbon (SOC) model in the perennials pathway does not need these data points anymore and will access data from Soil Grid. As most perennial farms may not have their own soil organic matter (SOM) measurements, also the custom value of SOM is currently not required. However, a new tier 2/3 perennial SOC method will be released in Q1 of 2025 which requires again more precise data (e.g. soil samples). We know with coffee and some other crops that soil data is incredibly difficult to collect so we will evaluate if we can continue offering also a tier 1 solution for the SOC method as second option.