If I have entered fuel consumption do I also need to enter machinery use and/or transport?
If fuel consumption
accounts for all machinery use and transport at your farm you don’t need to
provide any information on machinery use and transport. Please do only provide
machinery use and transport for operations not included in the fuel consumption.
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Can I enter machinery use by providing motor hours?
No, this is currently not supported by the Cool Farm Tool. However, if you know the average fuel consumption per hour and the total motor hours you can use the fuel use section to provide a more accurate estimate.
Do I need to account for transport of purchased inputs (e.g. feed) or final products to/from the farm?
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I am intending to use CFT for project/academic use, what are the membership costs?
For academic research & project-related use of the CFT, please complete the CFT Project Application Form which contains information about project pricing tiers.