Can I now add additional trees only under non-crop estimated? This looks different to the „out of crop biomass“ I formerly used. Does one replace the other?

Can I now add additional trees only under non-crop estimated? This looks different to the „out of crop biomass“ I formerly used. Does one replace the other?

The difference ist the following: Non-crop estimated is a new tier 1 model asking for an estimate of biomass (plants) other than the assessed cash crop based on density and occupied area. The section previously known as „out-of-crop biomass“ asks for actually measured data and hence is a tier 3 model. The latter will be added soon again in the perennials pathway as „non-crop measured".

Both estimated and measured models are meant for biomass that is additional and permanent (e.g. not the fruit trees of your orchards). Users can decide themselves whether to use a tier 1 or a tier 3 model for intercrops or shade trees depending on their reporting needs. The Land Sector Removal Guidance e.g. requires a tier 3 model for calculating carbon stocks and carbon sequestration, in which case non-crop measured is the correct model to use. If you use the pathway just for planning and scenario building, then non-crop estimated is sufficient.