Can I add a new crop to the CFT?

Can I add a new crop to the CFT?

Please note that in the annual GHG pathway, the primary impact of selecting a crop is the quantity of residues it produces. For crops not listed in the tool, you can use the "Other Crop" option and enter an estimate of residue quantity (above ground & in dry matter).

If you are interested in having a new crop officially added to the Cool Farm Tool, it's important to understand that the following information must be provided based on peer-reviewed studies of meta-analysis (no single study) - and ideally in-vivo or outside of the lab studies. See our methods policy for requirements of new methods:

  1. Dry Matter Fraction: This entails the proportion of the crop's total biomass that is composed of dry matter
  2. Above-Ground Nitrogen Fraction: The fraction of nitrogen found in the above-ground portion of the crop.
  3. Ratio of Above and Below-Ground Biomass: Information about the balance between above-ground and below-ground biomass for the crop.
  4. Below-Ground Nitrogen Fraction: The fraction of nitrogen found in the below-ground portion of the crop.
  5. Combustion factor: Factor for the "burnt in field" residue management option, for the proportion of unburnt residue that is treated as soil emission.
  6. Ratio Above-Ground Residue to Yield: This should be based on the dry matter of above-ground residues relative to the harvested yield of the crop.

In addition to the above parameters, water factors are also required to ensure that the water pathway options in the Cool Farm Tool remain consistent with GHG options. These water factors encompass crop phase lengths and related factors, which may already be available through the FAO for the new crop. For more detailed information on the technical aspects of adding a new crop, please refer to our documentation at this link: CFT Water Factors and CFT Residue Factors, and consult our methods policy for scientific requirements of new methods.

Please note that additional funding will be necessary to accommodate the addition of a new crop and that this will only be possible after the launch of the new Cool Farm Platform. If you can provide above information and are interested in adding a new crop to the Cool Farm Tool, please get in contact with the Cool Farm Support team for further information and assistance.