API Error: Unable to replicate assessments using the API, where assessments have been completed in the WebApp
When retrieving an assessment and then sending those results back, you may see the error:
{'error_message': 'Unit matching query does not exist. Please check the input field.', 'information': {'cft_version': '2.11.0'}}
We are seeing that when the Tool generates a JSON request file, the irrigation data being retrieved as incomplete - even when it was complete in the initial assessment. The issue specifically that the 'volume only' calculation checks for the depth and distance parameters being present and well constructed but doesn't use them in the calculation.
Unfortunately, we so no manual work around, but only a programmatic one. The only way we can see the volume only calculation being accepted by the tool while this bug is present is for the JSON to be changed so that the depth and distance unit parameters are set to valid values, e.g. m for meter.
We expect this to be fixed soon.